Posted in Blogmas


Three days in a row! It’s a little late, it’s already 11 here but I made it. This feels like a major accomplishment. I’m so grateful for all of you who have chosen to follow along. 

Today I thought it would be fun to talk about holiday traditions. 

Do you drive around looking for the perfect place to take a family picture? Do you get a new ornament every year? Read The Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve? Countdown the days with an Advent calendar? Do people still put up a Nativity Scene?

Growing up, I never really paid attention to the things we did to celebrate the holidays. All I cared about was the presents. Looking back, I wish I put in more of an effort. Over the last few years, Christmas has started to mean more to me. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older and thinking about having children and celebrating with them. 

One thing my mom and I didn’t get to do this year was build a gingerbread house together. We alway watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas (my mom’s favorite holiday movie) or listened to Christmas music while decorating. 

I miss staying up until midnight on Christmas Eve to open all my presents. My mom would make us hot chocolate, and we’d have the yule log playing on the tv. Does anyone else remember when tv channels used to play the yule log on Christmas Eve, or am I just old? 

I am going to miss being able to spend quality time together. Driving around looking at Christmas lights. Baking cookies from scratch. 

My family doesn’t have many traditions, so I decided to ask others about how they celebrate. 

Big love to my coworker Tracy who was more than happy to answer some of my questions.

 I asked, “what was your favorite way to spend quality time with your family around the holidays?”

“Probably getting together Christmas Eve. Spending time in the kitchen with my mom and sisters cooking. Everyone had a job to do. we’d be messy and tired and stressed out by the time we were done fixing all the food but it wasn’t about looking nice.”

I’m not surprised one of her favorite memories would be cooking. The passion this girl has for cooking and baking is magical. And the way she creates things is something I’m jealous of. Seriously check out her Instagram @themaddbatterbakery2014. 

My questions continued, “What’s something your parents did for you that want to continue when you have kids yourself?”

“My dad every year would hang our stockings, and he would put money in them for all of us, and it became an every year thing. Of course, we would get gifts from my parents but mostly picked out by my mom. So my dad’s thing was money. It was the safest gift when you have a bunch of daughters.” Here’s where I get a little misty-eyed listening to her. Tracy lost her dad to COVID a few months ago. “This year since he’s not going to be here. My sisters were thinking of not putting up the stockings. Which I understand, but I think we should. I know it hurts because he’s not going to be the one to do it and pretend to sneak the money in there. It was never a lot of money, but it was important because no matter how old we got, he would always do it.”

My brother and boyfriend decided to give their opinions on Christmas solely to annoy me. Still, I’ve decided to keep their comments.

My brother starts by saying, “We don’t have traditions. Sure every year, we used to decorate the tree together and listen to music while mom would order us to put ornaments where they went. But that’s not a tradition.” 

If that’s not a family tradition, then I don’t know what is.

Before I can say anything, he continues,” I miss waking everyone up on Christmas morning. Annoying everybody until they finally rolled out of bed.”

My boyfriend’s comment was actually cute. “My family doesn’t do much to celebrate the holidays. But I’m going to miss going to Central America this year to visit my family. I also want to start a tradition when I have kids by making cookies and papusas. It’s something my family never did together, and I wish we did.”

My favorite thing about the Christmas holiday is that it means different things to each person. It can mean seeing family for the first time all year and be a big deal, or it can be ‘meh, it’s just another day of December.’ 

Even if your Christmas is small, it can still be important. 

That’s all I have for today’s Blogmas! Tell me about your holiday traditions!

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